World of Goo portable | 60.3 MB
World of Goo is a physics based puzzle game released as a part of the Nintendo Wii's WiiWare downloadable service, the iPad app store, PC/MAC, and Linux. On the Wii, the game is released as a WiiWare title in the US, but it was released as a Wii disc in Europe and was slightly more expensive on disc. The PC and the WiiWare versions were released on October 13th, 2008 and are identical for the most part. An iPhone version of the game, after frequent wavering from 2DBoy, has been slated for release as early as March 2011. World of Goo is an independent game and was reportedly made by only 3 people, 2 of which were the main contributors.

The story centers around the World of Goo Corporation, a satire of big businesses that seems to be exploiting goo balls for profit by turning them into popular products such as tasty beverages. The corporation has set up pipes throughout the goo balls' home world in order to collect them. The goo balls work tirelessly to reach these pipes, as they constantly seek adventure and see the pipes as "warm and inviting." The goo balls sucked into the pipe during each level are collected at the World of Goo Corporation, where they build a tower to the sky for unknown reasons. The goo balls remain blissfully unaware of most of what is going on during the story, but the player guides them through a quest to stop the World of Goo Corporation.
The story begins in The Goo Filled Hills, a pastoral island home to many goo balls. Eventually, they escape the island using large balloons in hopes of finding new adventures. The story then shifts to Little Miss World of Goo, a land where beauty reigns. There, a giant statue is injected with "Beauty Goos" in order to regain its beauty, and through that its ability to power the World of Goo. The next world, titled Cog in the Machine, follows the journey of the goo balls through a factory where outsource work is done for the World of Goo Corporation. Eventually, "Product Z" is launched at the factory, which converts the 2-dimensional world into 3D. An error message appears telling the player that he/she is incompatible with this new world, prompting him/her to seek tech support in the next level, the Information Super Highway. In this world, the goo balls find themselves inside the internet. They first upgrade the woefully outdated internet to support modern graphics, and then proceed to MOM, a spambot who teaches the player how to destroy the World of Goo Corporation. This is done by "undeleting" all of the deleted spam in the history of the internet and sending it to the World of Goo Corporation. This succeeds, blowing up the corporation and returning the world to 2D. At this point, although the main objective for the player seems complete, as the corporation has played the role of the villain, the goo balls continue their tireless quest to travel higher. The player is taken to the epilogue level, titled The End of the World. Here, the goo balls take on increasingly difficult challenges, during which The Sign Painter loses faith in their ability to succeed. In a twist ending, a sign left in the final level reveals that each and every goo ball has been sucked up by the pipes and transported to what was once the World of Goo Corporation. The sign then complains that a layer of smoke from the explosion of the corporation is blocking him from seeing out of his telescope, which he is currently operating in the center of the level. The player helps by attaching flying fish to the telescope in order to raise it above the smoke, allowing The Telescope Operator (Which The Sign Painter refers to himself at this point as) to see far, eventually spotting a faraway world seemingly inhabited entirely by goo balls, suggesting that this world may have been what the goo balls were seeking during their quest upward.
The story begins in The Goo Filled Hills, a pastoral island home to many goo balls. Eventually, they escape the island using large balloons in hopes of finding new adventures. The story then shifts to Little Miss World of Goo, a land where beauty reigns. There, a giant statue is injected with "Beauty Goos" in order to regain its beauty, and through that its ability to power the World of Goo. The next world, titled Cog in the Machine, follows the journey of the goo balls through a factory where outsource work is done for the World of Goo Corporation. Eventually, "Product Z" is launched at the factory, which converts the 2-dimensional world into 3D. An error message appears telling the player that he/she is incompatible with this new world, prompting him/her to seek tech support in the next level, the Information Super Highway. In this world, the goo balls find themselves inside the internet. They first upgrade the woefully outdated internet to support modern graphics, and then proceed to MOM, a spambot who teaches the player how to destroy the World of Goo Corporation. This is done by "undeleting" all of the deleted spam in the history of the internet and sending it to the World of Goo Corporation. This succeeds, blowing up the corporation and returning the world to 2D. At this point, although the main objective for the player seems complete, as the corporation has played the role of the villain, the goo balls continue their tireless quest to travel higher. The player is taken to the epilogue level, titled The End of the World. Here, the goo balls take on increasingly difficult challenges, during which The Sign Painter loses faith in their ability to succeed. In a twist ending, a sign left in the final level reveals that each and every goo ball has been sucked up by the pipes and transported to what was once the World of Goo Corporation. The sign then complains that a layer of smoke from the explosion of the corporation is blocking him from seeing out of his telescope, which he is currently operating in the center of the level. The player helps by attaching flying fish to the telescope in order to raise it above the smoke, allowing The Telescope Operator (Which The Sign Painter refers to himself at this point as) to see far, eventually spotting a faraway world seemingly inhabited entirely by goo balls, suggesting that this world may have been what the goo balls were seeking during their quest upward.
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