JoomlaWatch 1.2.12 Full

JoomlaWatch allows you to watch your website visitors and bots in real-time from the administration menu. Specially their IP addresses, countries they come from, geographical location on a map, which pages they are viewing, their browser and operating system, it creates daily and all-time stats from these information plus unique, pageload and total hits statistics. Furthermore, you can block harmful IP addresses, see blocked attempts stats, evaluate the trend charts, and create goals based on many parameters. In the frontend, it can show the top countries, user and visit information for certain periods of time.

News in this version:
- translations: brazilian portuguese, dutch, french, german, greek, russian, slovak, slovenian, spanish, swedish
- multi-page settings in tabs
- internal referrers
- anti-spam: blocks IPs based on a customizable list of bad words - protection against spam bots and automatic form submitters
- frontend user module to show the most active visitors for current day
- optional frontend user link to a user detail (eg. fireboard, community builder)
- exclude particular users from stats in settings
- country as a new parameter in goals
- upper/lower case character of countries in frontend
- live site setting in config.php
- refactored classes
- starting frontend value of "total:" in settings
- "add as goal" link from statistics

- czech, danish translation

- lithuanian, polish translation

- italian, turkish translation

- latvian translation

- ukrainian translation 

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